Understand through code, the architectural challenges of developing large-scale systems - Scalability, Reliability, Deployment, Observability
Downloadable code along with configuration, scripts and instructions to run a mini system on your laptop and on a cloud environment
Code implementation of various tools and technologies used for making large-scale systems - Redis, RabbitMQ, Netflix, Fluentd, Elasticsearch, Kubernetes & more
A practical demonstration of how systems are scaled and operated on both On-Premises environment and in Cloud environments
A little knowledge of Java will be helpful in understanding code. If you do not know Java, then a good experience with any other modern programming language will also do.
Familiarity with very basic Linux shell commands and scripting will be helpful. If you haven't worked on Linux, then a good scripting experience on any other platform will also do.
Total course duration: 12 hrs
Downloadable end-to-end system code
Live demonstration of many technologies
5+ free videos
Environment Setup
System Components
Request Routing
Log, Trace, & Metrics
Data at Scale